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Novabow helps professional footballer with chronic ankle instability 

Charlie Fox in action for Queens Park FC

Picture of a footballer who has been using the novabow

"My name is Charlie Fox and I am a professional footballer currently playing in the Scottish Championship. I have always struggled with foot and ankle issues as a result of the demands of the sport (and my size). I never used to condition these areas, I had always thought calf-raises and single leg balance work would be enough. However, recently Gerry gave me a Novabow device to try. The difference has amazed me. My feet feel so much stronger and more robust and my ankles and calf muscles feel the best they ever have. It’s difficult to say empirically whether my agility has changed, but I definitely feel more confident and explosive on the turn. I have noticed my cutting manoeuvres are pain free and am able to put more force through the ball of my foot and toes.


Since using the device, I have achieved a record counter-movement jump score, a new personal best top speed, as well as almost doubling my accelerations and decelerations in 90 minute games.


The Novabow has really helped me. "     

Olympic track and field athlete, Chris Bennett, benefits greatly from using a Novabow toe press every day 

Watch Chris chat about the novabow foot exercise here 

"I had pain in my ankles, both knees, and my back, and I was told I would need surgery. Gerry gave me a novabow to try out and the difference has been amazing. The pain from the ankles knees and back has gone and surgery was not required on my knees at all. I use it twice a day and wish I had had one from the start of my career. "   

Top sports physiotherapists endorse the novabow toe press 

Dental nurse with chronic ankle instability and foot pain benefits hugely from using a novabow toe press

"I went over on my ankle a few years ago and it's been a problem ever since. However, Gerry gave me a novabow to try and it seems to have greatly improved things and  I have not felt the ankle give way since I started using the device to keep my foot muscles strong .
Also, I stand all day and had  related severe foot pain.  This has  improved a lot. I'm amazed"  

Kara Harvey, dental nurse 

Novabow Helps Performance Artist 
The novabow can help dancers

"I work in the visual and performing arts sector, and began a rehab process at the start of the year for what I discovered from a physio was some fallen arches in my feet. I have an active lifestyle and wanted to rebuild strength in my feet, without going down an orthotics solution, and the novabow provided a key part of this rehab, to effectively isolate and work on the arches in a way that I hadn't found in other exercises. I was aiming to rebuild capacity to take part in a physical theatre performance several months later, which required me to be working barefoot on stage with a lot of agility, I feel that the use of the novabow gave me a way to improve strength and agility and regain my confidence in the resilience of my feet for the demands of the project".

Brian Hartley, internationally renowned  performance artist  


Fitness instructor "fixes" severe plantar fasciitis pain in just 48 hours using a novabow system. 

"My name is Alan Johnstone, and I am a qualified fitness instructor with 22 years’ experience.

About 6 months ago I developed heel pain in one of my feet which got so bad that I could hardly walk.


The pain was diagnosed as plantar fasciitis, a condition which I was aware of, and I tried many of the techniques which are meant to help this condition, but nothing worked.      

My job in the gym involves a lot of standing and I was really struggling so when I heard about the novabow system I had a chat with Gerry and he gave me one to take home and try.

Incredibly, within 2 days, I went from shooting, stabbing pain to no heel pain at all!

I can only think that it was the deep stretch that I got from using the Novabow that worked for me since 2 days is not really enough time for the strengthening aspect to kick in.

I went from hobbling around on “one and a half feet” to jogging and five aside football in less than a week.


I couldn’t believe it.


I will continue to use the Novabow and the strengthening aspect should help fix any strength imbalances that the plantar fasciitis might have caused in my feet over the six months I suffered from it.    


Alan Johnstone"

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